Thanksgiving Countdown: Pies, Biscuits & Breads

If there is a part of Thanksgiving that evokes comfort, it’s got to be the dessert course. Choose from steamy biscuits, a sweet crumbly-n-nutty cornbread, and a perfectly tender pie crust. I've given you many secret baking tips to make your pies a success this holiday. You'll be sure to bake your pies with a properly baked bottom crust, with my 3, 2, 1 Pate Brisee Recipe.

Since today is only Monday, I suggest you to make a practice pie. I have given you plenty of how-to tips and chef secrets... the smallest adjustments can make a big difference with a delicious outcome. 

George’s as Easy as 3, 2, 1 Pate Brisee Recipe

Apple Pie

Pumpkin Pie

Warm Apple Cobbler

Pecan Cornbread

George's Biscuits

image © Hdconnelly |

What's Coming Up on Tuesday: Thanksgiving Countdown Continues with Cakes & Cookies

Thanksgiving Countdown: Appetizers & Snacks

Let’s get this party started. The most important parts of a party or holiday menu is how it starts, the first impression and the ending, the last impression. So let's start with appetizers and we'll get to desserts next week. Til then, have a great weekend.

Savory Crab Cakes

Cheddar Potato Chive Soup

Tuscan White Bean Artichoke Soup

Curried Hot & Sweet Pecans

Brie Calzone

©Jason Gayman | istock

What's Coming Up On Monday: Thanksgiving Countdown Gets Serious with Desserts. Pie anyone?

Celebrate Pie

For Friends of GHL, Celebrate Magazine is offering a 25% discount on annual subscription!

Celebrate Magazine November/December Holiday Issue

My new issue of Celebrate Magazine has just arrived and it’s filled with inspiration for entertaining and decorating this holiday season. Now is the time to get serious about Thanksgiving and brush up on your pie 101. With four pages of step by step with recipes and quick tips you’ll be a pie master in no time! 

Best of all Celebrate Magazine is offering a 25% discount to all friends of GHL! Since Celebrate is gifting 25% to you, give a gift subscription to family and friends this holiday. Those who love to enertain and be inspired in the kitchen & home will remember you each time a new issue arrives!   

For a limited time only: use Coupon Code CLBSAVE25

Spread the cheer, it’s going to be a great holiday!

entertain, decorate, Celebrate Pie as seen on George Hirsch Lifestyle

My friends at Hoffman Media have published the November/December issue of Celebrate, a must read for any gathering with family and friends during this holiday season. I'm proud to share my four page feature on Perfecting Pies. I don't want to be a spoiler so I'll let you get your own copy on news stands next week. Or, you may order your own Free Trial Subscription and receive timely seasonal inspiration when watching George Hirsch Lifestyle on PBS, public television and Create TV. 

And, why four pages on pie? I'm passionate about teaching the correct techniques in cooking and baking--especially baking pie. Just ask my TV crew who received a first hand lesson during a one hour taping with no stops. I could have went longer, but my TV show is only a half hour!   

Watch me bake pie on GHL, Thursday, October 23rd on Create TV 7:30AM and 1:30PM. You may want to record and watch again when you get your copy of Celebrate Magazine's Holiday issue!

read George's feature in Nov/Dec issue of Celebrate Magazine, watch GHL on Create TV

I got my copy. If I can do it, You can do it!