Bacon and Egg

In honor of National Sandwich Day, here's my homage to the simple but important Bacon and Egg Sandwich. I am very particular when it comes to my sandwiches and you'd be surprised how many people miss a beat making something as simple as an egg sandwich. There are only three ingredients; bacon, eggs and bread; but the success is all in the quality of the ingredients and cooking technique, combined.

I do have a family member who prefers the most inexpensive white bread, but I prefer a good quality sour dough, baguette or brioche with some flavor and texture for my sandwich. The eggs; I am lucky, I have friends with chickens, so farm fresh Araucana eggs are my preference - as long as the girls keep laying eggs. Bacon; this is where I can go either reduced-fat turkey bacon or a good quality applewood smoked bacon; like from D'artagnan or medium-thickness slab bacon, from my local speciality market.

During my put out a few hundred breakfast banquet chef'n days, the bacon would be lined on sheet pans and cooked in a 350 degree F oven until light brown. Allow for carry-over temperature; remove the bacon before the rasher of bacon cooks to a well done or burnt stage. Isn't it funny how bacon cooks from done to burnt quickly?Today, a microwave is a great appliance for cooking bacon. Probably one of the best uses I have found for using a microwave. 

Here's the part where most people get derailed; the egg pan (I use a non-stick pan only for eggs) needs to be preheated to a medium heat, then add a combination of unsalted butter and olive oil to lightly grease the pan. Caution: pan - don't let the pan get too hot that the white of the egg burns. Flip the eggs using your best saute chef move (ha), break the yolks with a spaltula, top with warm bacon and fresh grated black pepper. Cook eggs until desired doneness. To guild the lily, warm the brioche or bread slices in the pan before topping with cooked eggs and bacon. 

There you have it, the makings of the perfect Bacon and Egg Sandwich with slightly runny eggs. Required, two napkins.

Apple Dessert

When was the last time you ate a caramel apple? This is one of those classic fall harvest treats that captures popularity with people of all ages. I suggest the combination of a crisp, tart apple like the Granny Smith with good old fashioned sweet caramels.

Come apple picking with me; watch GH Living it UP! TV segment: Visiting a Hampton's Apple Orchard

Directions: Making of a Caramel Apple.

George Hirsch TV series: Halsey Apple Orchard

Short Ribs

Enjoy this hearty popular dish from this week's episode of George Hirsch Living it UP!

Short Ribs of Beef with Orange Ginger Sauce 

Makes four servings | As seen on George Hirsch Living it UP! TV series 

4 pounds Beef short ribs, bone in 

1/4 cup flour, for coating beef short ribs 

2 Tablespoons olive oil 

4 cloves garlic, sliced thin 

1 Tablespoon fresh ginger, peeled and chopped 

1 leek, whites only cut into one inch pieces 

2 teaspoons sesame oil 

2 teaspoons sherry 

2 teaspoons soy sauce 

juice of one orange 

1 1/2 cups beef broth  

Coat beef ribs with flour, shaking off any excess.  

Pre heat a braising or sauce pot to medium high temperature. Add olive oil and sear beef short ribs until well browned, turning only once on each side. 

Drain any excess oil. Lower temperature of pot, add garlic, ginger, leeks, sesame oil, sherry, soy sauce, orange juice and beef broth. Bring sauce up to a boil, then lower to a gentle simmer, cover and cook for 1 1/2- 2 hours or until meat is beginning to fall away from the bone.  

When short ribs are fully cooked, remove meat from pot. Raise the temperature of the sauce to a low boil. Reduce the sauce to naturally thicken. 

Serve with steamed dumplings and stir-fry vegetables. 


Family-owned Neilsen-Massey has been dedicated to bringing the finest vanilla products to market since 1907. Using an exclusive cold extraction process, they slowly and gently draw the flavor from their vanilla beans in order to make exceptional pure vanilla extract. Their Mexican Pure Vanilla has a creamy, spicy flavor that has a natural affinity for dishes that also contain chocolate, cinnamon and other warm spices. 

Bake. For My Vanilla Cupcake Recipe

Pigskin Sunday


I have been told by family members, who live in the BBQ belt in the south, that TLB in Sagaponack, New York is one of the finest Q joints (they say that with the highest respect), not only in the North but covering the USA. How about that? That's a pretty powerful statement from an expat Yankee.

The heart of TLB is all the details that goes into every part of this restaurant. Their dedication to sourcing the finest ingredients and preparation with authentic techniques makes TLB one of my favorite local spots for a pint and Q. Huge thumbs up.

Oh, and BTW the new “Pigskin Sunday” is not to be missed. And, it's also the first time I’ve ever witnessed - when the hometown team scores everyone politely puts down their pints and suckling pork tortillas to high five you. Even if you don’t follow football you’ll want to high-five me after tasting TLB's suckling pork Q.

TownLine BBQ