Short Ribs Far East Style

New season of GHL releasing Oct 1st. Celebrating Chef George's 25th anniversary on PBS and Public TV Stations. Check local listings. Click to watch TV Series Preview

Summer may bring visions of slabs of pork ribs sizzling on the grill, but what do you do when the first chill arrives ? Simply take to the art of braising. Its long, slow cooking that infuses flavor by caramelizing the meat and vegetables; creating the makings of a full flavorful sauce. One of my good friends makes a classical version, which is excellent and tempting to prepare; but I'm offering a different flavor here today, which has been a viewer favorite- with a savory and sweet spin. Enjoy!

Short Ribs of Beef with Orange Ginger Sauce

Makes four servings | George Hirsch Lifestyle


4 pounds beef short ribs, bone in 

1/4 cup flour, for coating beef short ribs 

2 Tablespoons olive oil 

4 cloves garlic, sliced thin 

1 Tablespoon fresh ginger, peeled and chopped 

1 leek, whites only cut into one inch pieces 

2 teaspoons sesame oil 

2 teaspoons sherry 

2 teaspoons soy sauce 

juice of one orange 

1 1/2 cups beef broth 

Coat beef ribs with flour, shaking off any excess. 

Preheat a braising or sauce pot to medium high temperature. Add olive oil and sear beef short ribs until well browned, turning only once on each side. 

Drain any excess oil. Lower temperature of pot, add garlic, ginger, leeks, sesame oil, sherry, soy sauce, orange juice and beef broth. Bring sauce up to a boil, then lower to a gentle simmer, cover and cook for 1 1/2- 2 hours or until meat is beginning to fall away from the bone. 

When short ribs are fully cooked, remove meat from pot. Raise the temperature of the sauce to a low boil. Reduce the sauce to naturally thicken. 

Serve with steamed dumplings and stir-fry vegetables.

Fagioli al Fiasco

Do you know your fire?

Hankering for a hearty cold weather side-dish? This one happens to be made with a super power food, the cannellini bean - sometimes referred to the white kidney bean. Cannellini beans are a great source of fiber and iron.

Here's a recipe that I learned from my chef friend Gino in Tuscany. He serves this local speciality, a typical Sienese dish in his trattoria located in the medieval village of Montebeniche. You would die for his Fagioli al Fiasco, aka Beans in the Flask; basically beans cooked in a Chianti bottle. Note, without the wrapped straw. It's so simple, yet one of my most memorable dishes I tasted while in Italy.


Fagioli al Fiasco (aka Beans in the Flask)

Cannellini beans are soaked overnight in water with salt.

The next day put into the ‘fiasco’ or heat-proof crock with 2 Tbsp of olive oil and 2 cloves of garlic, a quarter onion, 2 sage leaves, a small piece of fresh rosemary. Then fill 3/4 full of water or better yet vegetable, chicken or meat broth. Bring beans up to a boil, then moved to a lower temperature, cap and gently simmered for an hour. Traditionally the fiasco was capped and put next to a dying fire in the hearth and slowly cook until the next day.